What is a WHY

What is a WHY? Your WHY is your reason for getting out of bed in the morning. It is a purpose, cause or belief. It is one sentence stating the action you will take every day and the impact that action will have on others.

What makes your WHY so powerful? It is not about you, it is about how you will generously give to others and make an impact on the world. It is not about the outcome it is about the process. It is infinite.

Why is it important? It keeps you passionate about the impact you are going to make and who you are making it for. It also gives you the actions you need to take when the passion is fading and the change you hope to make is not materializing.

Why do people resist clearly defining their WHY? Commitment. Once you have gone through the process of discovering your WHY you are committed to making an impact on other people’s lives.

What is most exciting about it? It is unique to you.

My WHY: To inspirit self-leadership so we can live our best life.


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